More From the Grocery Store
I went shopping with Yuki's dad in Yokohama again, since Yuki had to study for his exam again (less than a week to go!). We went to this huge mall near his house, called LaLaPort....who knows how many stores are in there, but it's got 2 large grocery stores, plus a bunch of restaraunts, a movie theater, and maybe 300 or so retail stores.
One of the grocery stores had the biggest tuna head I've ever seen on display! (The sign in its mouth even reads 'Big size', just in case you didn't realize that it was HUGE).
We also found 2 new types of Kit Kats: a vegetable Kit Kat of the same brand as a popular vegetable juice here, and an ume (Japanese plum) soda Kit Kat. The vegetable Kit Kats have in them, among other things, celery, spinach, apples, carrots, cabbage, green peppers, and other bits of fruits and vegetables. Even so, they basically just tasted like an apple-flavored Kit Kat, and I didn't see anything in the nutritional facts that made them appear any healthier than your average Kit Kat. Score: 6. Wasabi loved pulling them out of the bag and batting them around the room, however, but seeing as she does that to anything in a small plastic package, I don't think it was because they were vegetable Kit Kats.
The ume soda Kit Kats were given a 6.5 out of 10...they tasted more like soda than anything, but they weren't half-bad overall.
Vegetable Kit KatsUme Soda Kit Kats
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