My Birfday Dinner!
This year, the mailman didn't see fit to deliver any birthday cards on my actual birthday (plenty came the day before and also today, the day after, though; thanks everyone). This lack of mail actually made me feel a bit at home, since my birthday falls on Veterans' Day, and I'd never actually received a card on my birthday up until I moved here.
But...late last night, around 8:30 p.m., the mailman did new camera!!! His arrival was greeted with an enthusiam akin to that of children's on Christmas Eve, and I felt somewhat bad for probably shocking the poor man after both Yuki and I plowed down the stairs to open the door. That emotion was quickly replaced by one of pure joy, though, as we cut open the box for the much-awaited Canon EOS Kiss X3 (aka EO3 500D aka Digital Rebel T1i)! --Side note: yes, that's right, my new camera has not one, but two pseudonyms!
I still need to work my way through the TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT PAGE instruction manual, but we did mange to figure out how to at least take a few photos on it last night. Hopefully my technique will improve over time (and after I read that evil manual). Here are a few of the pictures that we took last night, though, for your viewing pleasure!
***I'm not sure how these will look if you enlarge them, but feel free to try. I had to re-size them for uploading, since they were originally 15 MB each.

Wasa loves the drink!
She also loves the Canon EOS Kiss X3 lens cap, the little thief!
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