Not So Fresh!

Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2010 | 0 comments

Add okonomiyaki to the list of foods that are off-limits until Keila's stomach develops a bit more. Too much cabbage = a very long night for both William Shatner and her mommy!
  In case you're not sure what okonomiyaki is, it's a kind of Japanese crepe/pizza that's absolutely delicious...and chock full of cabbage and green onions. Bad combo for babies, very bad.
Click here for some okonomiyaki pics.

Here are a few photos detailing the forewarned, the first one is adorable, but don't look at the second one if you're easily grossed out!

                                      Note that Shatner's shirt reads 'Fresh'                                     

                      Seriously...if you don't like gross stuff, I wouldn't scroll down any farther......

                Don't say I didn't warn you!

                                              The flip side: definitely NOT so fresh!!! Shatner strikes again!